Thursday, June 29, 2006

Ford backing out of Hybrids


Ford Reverses on Hybrids
Topic: Hybrids
Buying an "American" hybrid in the future will be a bit more of a challenge as Ford says it was just kidding about its pledge to produce 250,000 hybrids per year.

Instead of ramping up production of hybrids, the company is going to focus on flex-fuel vehicles and will work with bio-fuels companies to increase the availability of ethanol, according to the Detroit News.

Critics say Ford keeps to promises about as well as Charlie Sheen, citing past pledges for increasing fuel efficiency that never came to be.

Ford isn't giving up on hybrids altogether, but the shift to ethanol is taking the easy way out since it doesn't require innovation. Add "Falsely Over-promising on Research and Development" to the list of disparaging acronyms.

Now the other day, I posted about NYC going Hybrid with their Taxis, and as Ryan had pointed out, they were Fords. Now if Ford is making less of these, how will other cities follow the lead of NYC. Instead Ford wants to go with Flex Fuels (e85). Well, that is still burning something, but it is better for the enviroment, the problem is the stations, there aren't that many stations. Look at this map. First you will notice that they aren't in every state, and second, you will notice that in the states where they are, there are not that many of them.

It seem to me that the US, Detroit based companies want to keep burning things, while it's the Japanse companies want to use their battaries. One thing to keep your eye on is this device, it's the H2N-Gen. It works with your car that you have now, and makes it's own Hydrogen on the spot to inject into your engine, increasing milage and cutting emissions almost completely.

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