Friday, November 30, 2007

Bachelor Rice and Beans

So, I’m not a big fan of kraft mac and cheese as a meal, and ramen, while delicious, doesn’t cut it in the making me feel like I’ve eaten something category. Still, when you are a bachelor working hard and living alone (or with two roommates who certainly aren’t going to cook for you), sometimes you need easy meals to make. Last night, I adapted a few rice and bean recipes to give me something easy and delicious. I’ll try and put It in recipe format.

1 sliced jalapeño pepper, seeds removed
1 large onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, shallot, green onion or whatever else you might have around
1 can black beans (red kidneys would work here too)
1-2 slices raw bacon
Spices (I used cumin, chili powder, adobo and others)
1 tsp white vinegar
Salt to taste
1 and 3/4 cups water
1 cup rice

Cook the bacon over high heat, but don’t burn the grease. Remove from pan to cool. In the bacon grease, cook the onions garlic and jalapenos (careful not to inhale) until the onions are kind of soft and browning a little. Season this mixture with whichever spices you choose. When you are satisfied with how the “veggies” look, open the beans and add with liquid and all. Move these around and get then nice and hot for a few minutes, then add the water and vinegar, and a good dash of salt (around a teaspoon). Bring this all to a boil on medium high and let it cook down for about 5 minutes, or until you notice it start to thicken a bit. Add the rice and the now cooked bacon (cut up) and throw a lid on it.

Cook for 20 minutes on simmer, and voila—stir it up and you have a hearty, easy meal. If you get carried away on the jalapenos and need to cool it down, a dash of creamy salad dressing as a topping is delicious.

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