Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Car Broken? Don't go to Pep Boys.

This is a consumer warning, don't use Pep Boys for your auto repairs. If you are just going to pick up some supplies, that's fine, but as far as repairs go, here is a little story about a girl I know and her bad times with Pep Boys.

A couple weeks ago, a girl named Joy had her brakes done at Pep Boys for a good price and in a short amount of time. Sounds great so far. Two weeks later, her breaks are acting funny, making noises and such. She returns to Pep Boys, since she has a warranty on the breaks with them, to find out that something in her breaks broke. While the mechanic is under the car, he discovers that the guy who did the first brake job put the breaks on the WRONG WAY.

At this point Pep Boys fixes their mess up and discounts the new job, which took most of the day as Joy sat in the waiting room all day. Fast forward a couple of days. Joy is driving and her break light goes on. She doesn't show too much concern for it since her check engine light does this all the time. (However, if your break light does go on, you should pull over right away and check your break fluid). A couple days later driving from her parents house to mine she sees a puff of smoke behind her car on the road. Nothing is wrong yet. Nearing me house, breaking starts to become difficult. When pulling in front of my house she had to use the hand break to stop.

After checking the things out I saw the break fluid was all gone. We went and got more break fluid, put it in and tried it out only to have the fluid leak down the back tires. The next day Pep Boys toed the car back to the shop. On Monday they determined that there is a problem that they did not see the first time and they will be eating the cost of the entire job.

Things Pep Boys did right

  • Discounted the cost on the second job

  • Doing the newest job for free

However, what they did wrong was to not properly diagnose a break problem which could have killed Joy. A break job is not something that should be messed up, as it is life threatening. So please take my advice and don't go to Pep Boys for your car repairs (well, at least not the one in Bridgeport, CT).

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