There is about a month left in the summer season. If I was still going to school, this is about the time where I start getting bored with summer and long for going back to school. Of course, once I'm back at school, I would be longing for it to be over. August is almost here, and that means it could get a lot hotter, and that just isn't any fun. You run the AC more, which runs up the gas bill.
However, I am looking at August knowing that my life will change at the end of the month. Now I won't be going anywhere, in fact I will continue to chug along. However, my living situation will under go a drastic change. At the end of August, Justin will be moving out and going back to school. Now I have had many room mates in my college life, and another in my post college years. But none of them have had the same impact on my life as Justin. During college room mates where just room mates, but Justin really has become one of my best friends. That's why when he leaves, I will miss him. Of course, it's not like I won't be able to visit him and such, but you get used to having certain people around.
To replace Justin when he moves out, I did a very short search, and chose his best friend. That's right, he is the third member of Blaq Coq, the Guy in F.A.G., and the man who says "Hit the road" like none other. Ladies and gentlemen, please give it up for Mr. Brian Gresko ::Crowd goes wild::
Living with Brian will be fun, and I am looking forward to it. Too bad we couldn't all just live in one giant house together... ::thought bubble forms:: That's it, we will buy a house and live together "Full House" style!
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