Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Congrats New York

Well, this is a couple of days late, but as a true New England sports fan, it takes me a moment to get over it. The Super Bowl was a good game even if my team didn't win. It was actually almost worth having the Giants win when my buddy Johnnie said "if the Giants win, I'm going to tear off my wife beater." Needless to say, his wife beater ended up in two pieces hurled at the TV.

My mistake with Sunday was that I invited all New York fans to my house. No fellow Patriots fans were with. In contrast back in 2002, I had a party at my college apartment with 20 Pats fans and 2 others. When the Pats won their first ever Super Bowl as the underdogs, the room jumped as one mob and falling over together at the end. After that win, I never expected for them to win two more times in the next few years.

Personally, this season was blah. Yes, my team was winning, but it became to automatic, and I began to feel like a dirty Yankees fan. Having that attitude that your team will win just because they are that good. It wasn't even worth watching all the games. I wasn't excited to watch football until the Ravens gave them a run for their money.

In the end, I'm over it. I've seen 3 Super Bowl victories and 2 World Series since 2002. In contrast being someone that grew up cheering for the Bo Sox, Pats, Whalers and even the Bills when they lost 4 Super Bowls in a row, I am used to and perfectly OK with saying 'Next Year'. After all, if you don't have something to look forward to, what's the point?