Saturday, January 28, 2006

The Deserted Island scenario

Every once in a while someone pulls it out. 'If you were stuck on deserted island, what would you want with you?" usually people say what three albums or three books, or just three things period. Now historically, people give ridiculous answers. There was a recent commercial for Budweiser and the guy picked a life time supply of Bud (which is just gross) and two women. That is just impractical. I know, it was supposed to be a joke, but today I have given this some serious thought and here it is.

If I was stuck on an island, with no one else, and I could only have three things, this is what they would be and why.

1 - A Hatchet

It is a versatile tool. I can use it to cut wood. This wood can be used for shelter, fire, and other tools such as spears for hunting. The other side also acts like a hammer. Now I can have another tool with just one item.

2 - The Bible

I thought about this and decided I wanted a book. A book keeps you occupied for long periods of time. Now the Bible happens to be a rather long book. Part Historical Document, Part Religious, all together a long read. Not only will it occupy me for long periods of time. It will keep my brain active as I will be able to really take it all in.

3 - Pencil and Paper

Ok, I know that technically it's two items, but they are useless without each other. Hence, they get to both be in this. Having a lot of time when alone allows you to think a lot, and there is nothing worse than losing those thoughts. So now with pencil and paper, I will have a way to right down thoughts and also keep a full account of everything that happens to me. This is great for when someone finds my body one day with a day to day account of my struggles. Or, if I get rescued, I have a number one bet seller to make me some cash, since by then I would have been declared dead and all of my money would be in other people's pockets.

That's it. As of today, right now, those are the things I would want with me. Of course a nice tent, a year supply of MREs, and other survival gear would be awesome. And even better is to not get left on a deserted island.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

First show using garage band

This is a test run using garage band. Now, if you in the past just downloaded the show off the site and listened, this may not work for you. It it is kinda forcing you to use iTunes or a product that will play m4a files. Now iTunes is free, so if you ddon't have it, go get it and use it to listen. I really hope that this new method works.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

A new year, and maybe a new us?

Well, it's a new year, and perhaps it's time for us to treat this blog with more respect. I haven't actual discussed this with my partner in crime, but I'm sure that he would be down for it. Since it's a new year let me update everyone on the world of AAVR.

First off, I got engaged. Yes, she said 'yes'. Now, before you ask, there is no date or anything like that yet, but there is a ring around her finger.

Second, well, that really was the big news. But there may very well be a resurgence of the radio show, as both Justin and I have the new garageband for the Mac which has made podcasting super easy.

And this is me hoping that it works out.