Sunday, October 30, 2005

Halloween Party

We had a Halloween style party here at All American Valley Radio, and our microphone was there. Well the microphone is always there, it just so happens, that the party was next to the microphone. In any case, we recorded some things, and we are going to share them with you so please enjoy this Halloween show.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

We Lack Commitment

No really, I think we do to some extend. Actually I think most people today, especially the younger generation lack commitment. Now let me explain.

I love new technology, and I love new projects. And a lot of times when something new is around, I want to jump up and start doing something with it. Much like this blog/podcast. It was cool, and new, and geeky. But with a busy schedule and really getting nothing in return, there is no incentive to keep going, hence why there hasn't been a new show in a while. Where as when we are involved with things that have a return on them, we tend to commit to it, and see it through to the end.

Now, I don't want to say it's a bad thing. After all, we are able to try many different things without a lot of capital, and really have no loss when you stop. But I do feel a little sad when I stop something that at one time I put effort into. So here is to trying to get back into this blog/podcast thing.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Not enough time

That's right, there is not enough time in the day anymore. I know I said that we would have a new show up soon, but it is easier said than done. I mean both of us are working more than one job, and have crazy lives. So the idea of sitting down to do a show isn't as easy as I would like it to be.

Well, since we are busy (and lazy) we (someone else) have come up with a brilliant solution. This Friday night we will be recording a show during our Halloween party. So prepare for crazy guests and crazy talking coming to a Podcast near you very soon.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

They have stepped up there game

Who? Well, the folks at Free, that's who. As part of an advertising style program, they offer you an iPod if you and some of your friends sign up for cool things. Well, now they have made it into a video iPod.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Where did we go

Ok, I know this was supposed to be a weekly PodCast, but with 2 busy people doing it, things don't always get done. I know this is heart breaking for all 5 of you out there, but hey, we are busy. I do however promise that soon we will have a new episode, and maybe we might even start doing mini episodes on our own to fill the void (I haven't told Justin about this idea yet).

Now something that I want to know is how did John Roberts get to be cheif Justice of the Supreme Court? Why didn't someone from the inside get bumped up and just put him on the bench. How many CEOs out there go from working at McDonald's to head of GE!? None, that's how many. They usually work in a VP job for a while. And in a related note, what is up with Brownie, former head of FEMA. He slips through to become the head of an organization that he has no right to be in charge of. Guess what America, he doesn't know what he is doing, and sadly it took a disaster and a poor response resulting in the death of too many American's to finally fire someone in the Bush Administration!!!